Recipe: Delicious Oatmeal-egg white Protein pancakes

Oatmeal-egg white Protein pancakes. While I absolutely love protein pancakes, the preparation process surrounding protein pancakes can sometimes deter me from making them in the morning. I've tried it with family and friends and it gets rave reviews from everyone. These egg white and oatmeal protein pancakes are perfect for the.

Oatmeal-egg white Protein pancakes Oatmeal Protein Pancakes Oatmeal Pancakes Breakfast Pancakes Breakfast Recipes Paleo Breakfast Paleo Pancakes Breakfast Ideas Egg · It only takes four minutes to go from bowl to your belly, and these egg white and oatmeal protein pancakes are delicious, filling and so easy to make! Add protein to your oats by stirring in egg whites while they cook. The end result is a bowl of thick, fluffy and filling egg white oatmeal. You can cook Oatmeal-egg white Protein pancakes using 10 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Oatmeal-egg white Protein pancakes

  1. You need 1/2 cup of Oats.
  2. It's 2 of Egg whites.
  3. It's 2 tbsp of Cottage cheese.
  4. Prepare 2 of Ripe bananas.
  5. You need 1/4 tsp of Cinnamon powder.
  6. Prepare 1 pinch of baking soda.
  7. Prepare 1 pinch of salt.
  8. You need As Required of Cream cheese.
  9. It's As required of Honey.
  10. You need 1 bowl of Chopped fruits.

This is the third and final post to our high protein oatmeal series! Simple Protein Pancakes Recipe with oats, whey protein powder, Greek yogurt, and without banana. Protein pancakes are a healthy and well-balanced breakfast idea for a healthy lifestyle. Blueberry pancakes, pumpkin pancakes, chocolate peanut butter pancakes, or just the simple basics—you'll find it all here and burst into a.

Oatmeal-egg white Protein pancakes instructions

  1. Mash the banana to make it a purée. Pulse the oats to a fine powder. Separate the egg whites[yolk can be used for baking purposes] and whisk thoroughly..
  2. Mix all the ingredients[except for garnish] to obtain a smooth batter..
  3. Add salt, baking soda and let it rest for 10 mins..
  4. Mix and pour the batter on a greased medium-hot pan. As soon as the bubbles start appearing, flip the pancake.Cook well on both sides..
  5. Meanwhile, mix the chopped fruits and chia seeds in honey, lime juice syrup. Between each pancake slurp a layer of cheese cream[optional].Place the fruits and pour the syrup generously over the pancakes and relish each bite!.

U Oatmeal & Egg White Pancakes. In a bowl mi together oatmeal cereal, U protein , ground flaxseeds and cinnimon. Add in egg whites adn mix together to remove any lumps. I separated the egg yolk & whites and beat the whites and folded them in at the end and the pancakes came out light and flufyy. The only thing I would change about this recipe is the amount of salt.

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